#!/bin/sh # This script is executed at boot time before VyOS configuration is applied. # Any modifications required to work around unfixed bugs or use # services not available through the VyOS CLI system can be placed here. # TODO: Remove if issues don't come back, turn back on if they do # Clean dangling container network files # rm /var/lib/cni/containers/services/10.5.* # Fix for containers requiring a custom user/group id # and Vyos not preserving file perms on upgrade mkdir -p /tmp/onepassword/data chown -R 999 /tmp/onepassword/data mkdir -p /tmp/bind/cache chown -R 104 /tmp/bind/cache # Mount USB Backup Drive # backupdest=/media/usb-backup # mkdir -p "$backupdest" # mount -t vfat -o rw,uid=vyos,gid=vyattacfg /dev/disk/by-id/usb-Samsung_Flash_Drive_FIT_0376621010005300-0:0-part1 "$backupdest"