--- apiVersion: volsync.backube/v1alpha1 kind: ReplicationDestination metadata: name: "${rsrc}-${claim}-${ts}" namespace: "${namespace}" spec: trigger: manual: restore-once restic: repository: "${rsrc}-restic-secret" destinationPVC: "${claim}" copyMethod: Direct storageClassName: local-hostpath # IMPORTANT NOTE: # Set to the last X number of snapshots to restore from previous: ${previous} # OR; # IMPORTANT NOTE: # On bootstrap set `restoreAsOf` to the time the old cluster was destroyed. # This will essentially prevent volsync from trying to restore a backup # from a application that started with default data in the PVC. # Do not restore snapshots made after the following RFC3339 Timestamp. # date --rfc-3339=seconds (--utc) # restoreAsOf: "2022-12-10T16:00:00-05:00"