# https://github.com/kevincoakley/ansible-role-k8s-rolling-update
- name: Cluster update rollout
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
  any_errors_fatal: true
  serial: 1
    - name: Pausing for 2 seconds...
        seconds: 2
    - name: Details
      ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl get node {{ inventory_hostname }} -o json"
      register: kubectl_get_node
      delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
      failed_when: false
      changed_when: false

    - name: Update
        # When status.conditions[x].type == Ready then check stats.conditions[x].status for True|False
        - kubectl_get_node['stdout'] | from_json | json_query("status.conditions[?type == 'Ready'].status")
        # If spec.unschedulable is defined then the node is cordoned
        - not (kubectl_get_node['stdout'] | from_json).spec.unschedulable is defined
        - name: Cordon
          ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl cordon {{ inventory_hostname }}"
          delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
          changed_when: false

        - name: Wait to cordon
          ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl get node {{ inventory_hostname }} -o json"
          register: wait_for_cordon
          retries: 10
          delay: 10
          delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
          changed_when: false
          until: (wait_for_cordon['stdout'] | from_json).spec.unschedulable

        - name: Drain
          ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data --force {{ inventory_hostname }}"
          delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
          changed_when: false

        - name: Update
            upgrade: dist
            update_cache: true

        - name: Check if reboot is required
            path: /var/run/reboot-required
          register: reboot_required

        - name: Reboot
          when: reboot_required.stat.exists
            msg: Rebooting node
            post_reboot_delay: 120
            reboot_timeout: 3600

        - name: Uncordon
          ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl uncordon {{ inventory_hostname }}"
          delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
          changed_when: false

        - name: Wait to uncordon
          ansible.builtin.command: "kubectl get node {{ inventory_hostname }} -o json"
          retries: 10
          delay: 10
          delegate_to: "{{ groups['master'][0] }}"
          changed_when: false
          until: not (kubectl_get_node['stdout'] | from_json).spec.unschedulable is defined