on: [push] workflow_call: inputs: dryRun: description: "Dry-Run" default: "false" required: false type: string renovateLogLevel: description: "Log-Level" default: "debug" required: false type: string configurationFile: description: "Renovate configuration file" default: ".github/renovate.json5" required: false type: string secrets: app_id: description: "App ID of the application used to generate a token" required: true app_private_key: description: "Private key of the application used to generate a token" required: true jobs: renovate: name: Renovate runs-on: docker steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: token: '${{ secrets.token }}' - name: Renovate uses: renovatebot/github-action@v39.0.1 env: DRY_RUN: ${{ inputs.dryRun }} LOG_LEVEL: ${{ inputs.renovateLogLevel }} with: configurationFile: ${{ inputs.configurationFile }} token: '${{ secrets.token }}'