--- - hosts: all become: true tasks: - name: Add proxmox gpg key ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg checksum: sha512:7da6fe34168adc6e479327ba517796d4702fa2f8b4f0a9833f5ea6e6b48f6507a6da403a274fe201595edc86a84463d50383d07f64bdde2e3658108db7d6dc87 mode: '0644' - name: Add proxmox repo ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription state: present filename: pve-install-repo update_cache: true - name: Ensure that pve-enterprise apt repo is removed ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-enterprise state: absent filename: pve-enterprise - name: Upgrade apt packages ansible.builtin.apt: upgrade: full update_cache: true - name: Install pve-kernel-6.2 ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: pve-kernel-6.2 state: present - name: Check if reboot is required ansible.builtin.stat: path: /var/run/reboot-required register: reboot_required - name: Reboot if required ansible.builtin.reboot: when: reboot_required.stat.exists - name: Install proxmox-ve postfix and open-iscsi ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: - proxmox-ve - postfix - open-iscsi state: present - name: Ensure the Debian Kernel is removed ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: - linux-image-amd64 - linux-image-6.1* state: absent ## TODO: Find a way to only execute this ONLY when the kernel is installed. - name: Update grub ansible.builtin.command: update-grub - name: Remove os-prober ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: os-prober state: absent - name: Ensure that pve-enterprise apt repo is removed ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-enterprise state: absent filename: pve-enterprise - name: Upgrade apt packages ansible.builtin.apt: upgrade: full update_cache: true - name: Installing Crowdsec pre-reqs ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: - gnupg state: present - name: Add crowdsec keyring ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://packagecloud.io/crowdsec/crowdsec/gpgkey dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/crowdsec checksum: sha512:5036042aff9d2700a39f64c3a6a70164a76162973e10dacb119aec98e9d60bd4a2f6d6ca4bc2c243a0751fd957baa51e0182fa0cd2f5798d7ec8a7893a1e219f mode: '0644' - name: Dearmor crowdsec gpg key ansible.builtin.command: cmd: gpg --dearmor /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/crowdsec creates: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/crowdsec.gpg - name: Ensure keyring is removed ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/crowdsec state: absent - name: Add crowdsec repo ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb https://packagecloud.io/crowdsec/crowdsec/debian/ bookworm main state: present filename: crowdsec-install-repo update_cache: true - name: Add crowdsec source repo ansible.builtin.apt_repository: repo: deb-src https://packagecloud.io/crowdsec/crowdsec/debian/ bookworm main state: present filename: crowdsec-src-repo update_cache: true - name: Install firewalld and crowdsec packages ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: - firewalld - crowdsec - crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-iptables update_cache: true - name: Add enp5s0 interface to public firewalld zone ansible.posix.firewalld: state: "enabled" interface: "enp5s0" zone: public immediate: true permanent: true - name: Configure open ports with firewalld ansible.posix.firewalld: state: "{{ item.state }}" port: "{{ item.port }}" zone: public immediate: true permanent: true with_items: - { state: 'enabled', port: '22/tcp' } - { state: 'enabled', port: '8006/tcp' } - name: Enable firewalld masquerade ansible.posix.firewalld: state: "enabled" masquerade: "true" zone: public immediate: true permanent: true - name: Enable masquerade rich rule for network ansible.posix.firewalld: state: "enabled" rich_rule: "rule family=ipv4 source address= masquerade" permanent: true immediate: true - name: Enable ipv4 forwarding ansible.posix.sysctl: name: net.ipv4.ip_forward value: 1 state: present reload: true - name: Enable ipv6 forwarding ansible.posix.sysctl: name: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding value: 1 state: present reload: true - name: Add vfio modules to /etc/modules ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/modules line: "{{ item }}" create: true with_items: - vfio - vfio_iommu_type1 - vfio_pci - vfio_virqfd - name: Add intel_iommu=on iommu=pt to debian bookworm kernel start parameters ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/default/grub regexp: '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=' line: 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="consoleblank=0 systemd.show_status=true intel_iommu=on iommu=pt"' state: present backup: true ## TODO: Find a way to only execute this ONLY when the kernel is installed. - name: Update grub ansible.builtin.command: update-grub