Added some more bootstrap scripts.

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Hanson 2023-11-20 16:38:26 -06:00
parent 2fb47dbbfe
commit a17e378742
Signed by: jahanson
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:vy6dKBECV522aPAwklFM3ReKAVB086rT3oWwiuiFG7o
5 changed files with 457 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Configuration file for ISC dhcpd. You can leave the subnet and netmask settings
# below as they are.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers,;
option routers;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View file

@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
state: present
- name: Copy dhcpd.conf to /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
src: ../config/dhcpd-hostnet.conf
src: config/dhcpd-hostnet.conf
dest: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
- name: Copy isc-dhcp-server to /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
src: ../config/dhcpd-interfaces.conf
src: config/dhcpd-interfaces.conf
dest: /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
- name: Copy net create script in ../scripts to /tmp
src: ../scripts/
src: scripts/
dest: /tmp/
owner: root
group: root

ansible/scripts/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o pipefail
# network config functions
# (c) 2017-2021, Hetzner Online GmbH
# list network interfaces
network_interfaces() {
for file in /sys/class/net/*; do
echo "${file##*/}"
# check whether network interface is virtual
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_is_virtual() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ -d "/sys/devices/virtual/net/$network_interface" ]]
# list physical network interfaces
physical_network_interfaces() {
while read network_interface; do
network_interface_is_virtual "$network_interface" && continue
echo "$network_interface"
done < <(network_interfaces)
# conv int to ipv4 addr
# $1 <int>
int_to_ipv4_addr() {
local int="$1"
echo "$(((int >> 24) & 0xff)).$(((int >> 16) & 0xff)).$(((int >> 8) & 0xff)).$((int & 0xff))/32"
# check whether network contains ipv4 addr
# $1 <network>
# $2 <ipv4_addr>
network_contains_ipv4_addr() {
local network="$1"
local ipv4_addr="$2"
ipv4_addr="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")/$(ip_addr_suffix "$network")"
[[ "$(ipv4_addr_network "$ipv4_addr")" == "$network" ]]
# check whether ipv4 addr is private
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_is_private() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr" ||
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr" ||
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# conv ipv4 addr to int
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_to_int() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_without_suffix="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
{ IFS=. read a b c d; } <<< "$ipv4_addr_without_suffix"
echo "$(((((((a << 8) | b) << 8) | c) << 8) | d))"
# calc ipv4 addr netmask
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_netmask() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_suffix="$(ip_addr_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
ip_addr_without_suffix "$(int_to_ipv4_addr "$((0xffffffff << (32 - ipv4_addr_suffix)))")"
# get ip addr suffix
# $1 <ip_addr>
ip_addr_suffix() {
local ip_addr="$1"
if [[ "$ip_addr" =~ / ]]; then
echo "${ip_addr##*/}"
# assume /32 unless $ip_addr contains /
echo 32
# get ip addr without suffix
# $1 <ip_addr>
ip_addr_without_suffix() {
local ip_addr="$1"
echo "${ip_addr%%/*}"
# calc ipv4 addr network
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_network() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_suffix="$(ip_addr_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
local int="$(ipv4_addr_to_int "$ipv4_addr")"
local network_without_suffix="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$(int_to_ipv4_addr "$((int & (0xffffffff << (32 - ipv4_addr_suffix))))")")"
echo "$network_without_suffix/$ipv4_addr_suffix"
# check whether network contains ipv4 addr
# $1 <network>
# $2 <ipv4_addr>
network_contains_ipv4_addr() {
local network="$1"
local ipv4_addr="$2"
ipv4_addr="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")/$(ip_addr_suffix "$network")"
[[ "$(ipv4_addr_network "$ipv4_addr")" == "$network" ]]
# check whether ipv4 addr is a shared addr (rfc6598)
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_is_shared_addr() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# check if ipv4 addr is reserved for future use
ipv4_addr_is_reserved_for_future_use() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# get network interface ipv4 addrs
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv4_addrs() {
local network_interface="$1"
while read line; do
[[ "$line" =~ ^\ *inet\ ([^\ ]+) ]] || continue
local ipv4_addr="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# ignore shared addrs
ipv4_addr_is_shared_addr "$ipv4_addr" && continue
# ignore addrs reserved for future use
ipv4_addr_is_reserved_for_future_use "$ipv4_addr" && continue
echo "$ipv4_addr"
done < <(ip -4 a s "$network_interface")
# get network interface ipv4 gateway
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv4_gateway() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ "$(ip -4 r l 0/0 dev "$network_interface")" =~ ^default\ via\ ([^\ $'\n']+) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# get network interface ipv6 gateway
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv6_gateway() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ "$(ip -6 r l ::/0 dev "$network_interface")" =~ ^default\ via\ ([^\ $'\n']+) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# check whether ipv6 addr is a link local unicast addr
# $1 <ipv6_addr>
ipv6_addr_is_link_local_unicast_addr() {
local ipv6_addr="$1"
[[ "$ipv6_addr" =~ ^fe80: ]]
# get network interface ipv6 addrs
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv6_addrs() {
# "hide" v6 if IPV4_ONLY set
((IPV4_ONLY == 1)) && return
local network_interface="$1"
while read line; do
[[ "$line" =~ ^\ *inet6\ ([^\ ]+) ]] || continue
local ipv6_addr="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# ignore link local unicast addrs
ipv6_addr_is_link_local_unicast_addr "$ipv6_addr" && continue
echo "$ipv6_addr"
done < <(ip -6 a s "$network_interface")
# source
# Get the first interface name that is not lo
IFACE_NAME="$(ip -o link show | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | grep -v lo | head -n1)"
IPV4_ADDRS=($(network_interface_ipv4_addrs "$IFACE_NAME"))
IPV6_ADDRS=($(network_interface_ipv6_addrs "$IFACE_NAME"))
MAIN_IPV4_GW=$(network_interface_ipv4_gateway "$IFACE_NAME")
MAIN_IPV6_GW=$(network_interface_ipv6_gateway "$IFACE_NAME")
NETMASK="$(ipv4_addr_netmask "${IPV4_ADDRS[0]}")"
NETWORK="$(ipv4_addr_network "${IPV4_ADDRS[0]}")"
NETWORK_WITHOUT_SUFFIX="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$NETWORK")"
template=$(cat <<EOF
# network interface settings; autogenerated
# Please do NOT modify this file directly, unless you know what
# you're doing.
# If you want to manage parts of the network configuration manually,
# please utilize the 'source' or 'source-directory' directives to do
# so.
# PVE will preserve these directives, but will NOT read its network
# configuration from sourced files, so do not attempt to move any of
# the PVE managed interfaces into external files!
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
iface #IFACE_NAME# inet static
address #MAIN_IPV4_CIDR#
gateway #MAIN_IPV4_GW#
# route #NETWORK# via #MAIN_IPV4_GW#
up route add -net #NETWORK_WITHOUT_SUFFIX# netmask #NETMASK# gw #MAIN_IPV4_GW# dev #IFACE_NAME#
iface enp5s0 inet6 static
address #MAIN_IPV6_CIDR#
gateway #MAIN_IPV6_GW#
auto #IFACE_NAME#.4010
iface #IFACE_NAME#.4010 inet manual
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
bridge-ports #IFACE_NAME#.4010
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
auto vmbr1
iface vmbr1 inet static
bridge-ports none
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '' -o #IFACE_NAME# -j MASQUERADE
post-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s '' -o #IFACE_NAME# -j MASQUERADE
post-up iptables -t raw -I PREROUTING -i fwbr+ -j CT --zone 1
post-down iptables -t raw -D PREROUTING -i fwbr+ -j CT --zone 1
# replace variables in template
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#IFACE_NAME#|$IFACE_NAME|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#MAIN_IPV4_CIDR#|$MAIN_IPV4_CIDR|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#MAIN_IPV4_GW#|$MAIN_IPV4_GW|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#MAIN_IPV6_CIDR#|$MAIN_IPV6_CIDR|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#MAIN_IPV6_GW#|$MAIN_IPV6_GW|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#NETMASK#|$NETMASK|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#NETWORK#|$NETWORK|g")
template=$(echo "$template" | sed "s|#NETWORK_WITHOUT_SUFFIX#|$NETWORK_WITHOUT_SUFFIX|g")
# echo $template to be used by pipe
echo "$template"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# network config functions
# (c) 2017-2021, Hetzner Online GmbH
# list network interfaces
network_interfaces() {
for file in /sys/class/net/*; do
echo "${file##*/}"
# check whether network interface is virtual
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_is_virtual() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ -d "/sys/devices/virtual/net/$network_interface" ]]
# list physical network interfaces
physical_network_interfaces() {
while read network_interface; do
network_interface_is_virtual "$network_interface" && continue
echo "$network_interface"
done < <(network_interfaces)
# conv int to ipv4 addr
# $1 <int>
int_to_ipv4_addr() {
local int="$1"
echo "$(((int >> 24) & 0xff)).$(((int >> 16) & 0xff)).$(((int >> 8) & 0xff)).$((int & 0xff))/32"
# check whether network contains ipv4 addr
# $1 <network>
# $2 <ipv4_addr>
network_contains_ipv4_addr() {
local network="$1"
local ipv4_addr="$2"
ipv4_addr="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")/$(ip_addr_suffix "$network")"
[[ "$(ipv4_addr_network "$ipv4_addr")" == "$network" ]]
# check whether ipv4 addr is private
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_is_private() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr" ||
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr" ||
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# conv ipv4 addr to int
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_to_int() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_without_suffix="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
{ IFS=. read a b c d; } <<< "$ipv4_addr_without_suffix"
echo "$(((((((a << 8) | b) << 8) | c) << 8) | d))"
# calc ipv4 addr netmask
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_netmask() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_suffix="$(ip_addr_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
ip_addr_without_suffix "$(int_to_ipv4_addr "$((0xffffffff << (32 - ipv4_addr_suffix)))")"
# get ip addr suffix
# $1 <ip_addr>
ip_addr_suffix() {
local ip_addr="$1"
if [[ "$ip_addr" =~ / ]]; then
echo "${ip_addr##*/}"
# assume /32 unless $ip_addr contains /
echo 32
# get ip addr without suffix
# $1 <ip_addr>
ip_addr_without_suffix() {
local ip_addr="$1"
echo "${ip_addr%%/*}"
# calc ipv4 addr network
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_network() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
local ipv4_addr_suffix="$(ip_addr_suffix "$ipv4_addr")"
local int="$(ipv4_addr_to_int "$ipv4_addr")"
local network_without_suffix="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$(int_to_ipv4_addr "$((int & (0xffffffff << (32 - ipv4_addr_suffix))))")")"
echo "$network_without_suffix/$ipv4_addr_suffix"
# check whether network contains ipv4 addr
# $1 <network>
# $2 <ipv4_addr>
network_contains_ipv4_addr() {
local network="$1"
local ipv4_addr="$2"
ipv4_addr="$(ip_addr_without_suffix "$ipv4_addr")/$(ip_addr_suffix "$network")"
[[ "$(ipv4_addr_network "$ipv4_addr")" == "$network" ]]
# check whether ipv4 addr is a shared addr (rfc6598)
# $1 <ipv4_addr>
ipv4_addr_is_shared_addr() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# check if ipv4 addr is reserved for future use
ipv4_addr_is_reserved_for_future_use() {
local ipv4_addr="$1"
network_contains_ipv4_addr "$ipv4_addr"
# get network interface ipv4 addrs
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv4_addrs() {
local network_interface="$1"
while read line; do
[[ "$line" =~ ^\ *inet\ ([^\ ]+) ]] || continue
local ipv4_addr="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# ignore shared addrs
ipv4_addr_is_shared_addr "$ipv4_addr" && continue
# ignore addrs reserved for future use
ipv4_addr_is_reserved_for_future_use "$ipv4_addr" && continue
echo "$ipv4_addr"
done < <(ip -4 a s "$network_interface")
# get network interface ipv4 gateway
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv4_gateway() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ "$(ip -4 r l 0/0 dev "$network_interface")" =~ ^default\ via\ ([^\ $'\n']+) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# get network interface ipv6 gateway
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv6_gateway() {
local network_interface="$1"
[[ "$(ip -6 r l ::/0 dev "$network_interface")" =~ ^default\ via\ ([^\ $'\n']+) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# check whether ipv6 addr is a link local unicast addr
# $1 <ipv6_addr>
ipv6_addr_is_link_local_unicast_addr() {
local ipv6_addr="$1"
[[ "$ipv6_addr" =~ ^fe80: ]]
# get network interface ipv6 addrs
# $1 <network_interface>
network_interface_ipv6_addrs() {
# "hide" v6 if IPV4_ONLY set
((IPV4_ONLY == 1)) && return
local network_interface="$1"
while read line; do
[[ "$line" =~ ^\ *inet6\ ([^\ ]+) ]] || continue
local ipv6_addr="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
# ignore link local unicast addrs
ipv6_addr_is_link_local_unicast_addr "$ipv6_addr" && continue
echo "$ipv6_addr"
done < <(ip -6 a s "$network_interface")