--- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://taskfile.dev/schema.json version: "3" vars: PYTHON_BIN: python3 env: PATH: "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv/bin:$PATH" VIRTUAL_ENV: "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv" ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH: "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv/galaxy" ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH: "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv/galaxy/ansible_roles" ANSIBLE_VARS_ENABLED: "host_group_vars,community.sops.sops" tasks: deps: desc: Set up Ansible dependencies for the environment cmds: - task: .venv run: desc: Run an Ansible playbook for configuring a cluster summary: | Args: cluster: Cluster to run command against (required) playbook: Playbook to run (required) prompt: Run Ansible playbook '{{.playbook}}' against the '{{.cluster}}' cluster... continue? deps: ["deps"] cmd: | .venv/bin/ansible-playbook \ --inventory {{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/{{.cluster}}/inventory/hosts.yaml \ {{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/{{.cluster}}/playbooks/{{.playbook}}.yaml {{.CLI_ARGS}} preconditions: - { msg: "Argument (cluster) is required", sh: "test -n {{.cluster}}" } - { msg: "Argument (playbook) is required", sh: "test -n {{.playbook}}" } - { msg: "Venv not found", sh: "test -d {{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv" } - { msg: "Inventory not found", sh: "test -f {{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/{{.cluster}}/inventory/hosts.yaml" } - { msg: "Playbook not found", sh: "test -f {{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/{{.cluster}}/playbooks/{{.playbook}}.yaml" } .venv: internal: true cmds: - true && {{.PYTHON_BIN}} -m venv {{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv - .venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel - .venv/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade --requirement {{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/requirements.txt - .venv/bin/ansible-galaxy install --role-file "{{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/requirements.yaml" --force sources: - "{{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/requirements.txt" - "{{.ANSIBLE_DIR}}/requirements.yaml" generates: - "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/.venv/pyvenv.cfg"