--- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluxcd-community/flux2-schemas/main/helmrelease-helm-v2beta2.json apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: vault spec: interval: 30m chart: spec: chart: vault version: 0.28.1 sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: hashicorp namespace: flux-system install: remediation: retries: 3 upgrade: cleanupOnFail: true remediation: retries: 3 strategy: rollback values: server: image: repository: "hashicorp/vault" tag: "1.17.2" logLevel: "info" logFormat: "json" ingress: enabled: true ingressClassName: internal-nginx hosts: - host: &host "{{ .Release.Name }}.jahanson.tech" paths: - path: / service: identifier: app port: http tls: - hosts: - *host service: type: "ClusterIP" port: &internalPort 8200 targetPort: &port 80 # off until it's online for the first time readinessProbe: enabled: true # If you need to use a http path instead of the default exec # path: /v1/sys/health?standbyok=true # Port number on which readinessProbe will be checked. port: *port # These are defaults but explicitly set here for clarity. dataStorage: size: 10Gi mountPath: /vault/data storageClass: ceph-block auditStorage: enabled: true size: 10Gi mountPath: /vault/audit storageClass: ceph-block # We want high availability. If standalone is true it sets the storage backend to file # and the max replicas can only be 1. standalone: enabled: false ha: enabled: true # maxUnavailable will default to (n/2)-1 where n is the number of replicas # so if you have 6 replicas, maxUnavailable will be 2 unless you set it specifically. replicas: 6 clusterAddr: "http://vault.security.svc.cluster.local:8201" config: "" raft: enabled: true config: | ui = true listener "tcp" { tls_disable = 1 address = "[::]:8200" cluster_address = "[::]:8201" # For prometheus! telemetry { unauthenticated_metrics_access = "true" } } storage "raft" { path = "/vault/data" } service_registration "kubernetes" {} statefulSet: securityContext: pod: runAsUser: 568 runAsGroup: 568 runAsNonRoot: true fsGroup: 568 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch supplementalGroups: [10000] container: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: true capabilities: drop: - "ALL" ui: enabled: true publishNotReadyAddresses: true # The service should only contain selectors for active Vault pod activeVaultPodOnly: true serviceType: "LoadBalancer" externalPort: *internalPort targetPort: *port