#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2154 PUSHOVER_DEBUG="${PUSHOVER_DEBUG:-"true"}" # kubectl port-forward service/sonarr -n default 8989:80 # export PUSHOVER_TOKEN=""; # export PUSHOVER_USER_KEY=""; # export sonarr_eventtype=Download; # ./pushover-notify.sh CONFIG_FILE="/config/config.xml" && [[ "${PUSHOVER_DEBUG}" == "true" ]] && CONFIG_FILE="config.xml" ERRORS=() # # Configurable variables # # Required PUSHOVER_USER_KEY="${PUSHOVER_USER_KEY:-}" && [[ -z "${PUSHOVER_USER_KEY}" ]] && ERRORS+=("PUSHOVER_USER_KEY not defined") PUSHOVER_TOKEN="${PUSHOVER_TOKEN:-}" && [[ -z "${PUSHOVER_TOKEN}" ]] && ERRORS+=("PUSHOVER_TOKEN not defined") # Optional PUSHOVER_DEVICE="${PUSHOVER_DEVICE:-}" PUSHOVER_PRIORITY="${PUSHOVER_PRIORITY:-"-2"}" PUSHOVER_SOUND="${PUSHOVER_SOUND:-}" # # Print defined variables # for pushover_vars in ${!PUSHOVER_*} do declare -n var="${pushover_vars}" [[ -n "${var}" && "${PUSHOVER_DEBUG}" = "true" ]] && printf "%s - %s=%s\n" "$(date)" "${!var}" "${var}" done # # Validate required variables are set # if [ ${#ERRORS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for err in "${ERRORS[@]}"; do printf "%s - Undefined variable %s\n" "$(date)" "${err}" >&2; done exit 1 fi # # Send Notification on Test # if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "Test" ]]; then PUSHOVER_TITLE="Test Notification" PUSHOVER_MESSAGE="Howdy this is a test notification from ${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi # # Send notification on Download or Upgrade # if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "Download" ]]; then if [[ "${sonarr_isupgrade}" == "True" ]]; then pushover_title="Upgraded"; else pushover_title="Downloaded"; fi printf -v PUSHOVER_TITLE "Episode %s" "${pushover_title}" printf -v PUSHOVER_MESSAGE "<b>%s (S%02dE%02d)</b><small>\n%s</small><small>\n\n<b>Client:</b> %s</small><small>\n<b>Quality:</b> %s</small>" \ "${sonarr_series_title}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_seasonnumber}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_episodenumbers}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_episodetitles}" \ "${sonarr_download_client}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_quality}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL "%s/series/%s" "${sonarr_applicationurl:-localhost}" "${sonarr_series_titleslug}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE "View series in %s" "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi # # Send notification on Manual Interaction Required # if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "ManualInteractionRequired" ]]; then PUSHOVER_PRIORITY="1" printf -v PUSHOVER_TITLE "Episode requires manual interaction" printf -v PUSHOVER_MESSAGE "<b>%s</b><small>\n<b>Client:</b> %s</small>" \ "${sonarr_series_title}" \ "${sonarr_download_client}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL "%s/activity/queue" "${sonarr_applicationurl:-localhost}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE "View queue in %s" "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi notification=$(jq -n \ --arg token "${PUSHOVER_TOKEN}" \ --arg user "${PUSHOVER_USER_KEY}" \ --arg title "${PUSHOVER_TITLE}" \ --arg message "${PUSHOVER_MESSAGE}" \ --arg url "${PUSHOVER_URL}" \ --arg url_title "${PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE}" \ --arg priority "${PUSHOVER_PRIORITY}" \ --arg sound "${PUSHOVER_SOUND}" \ --arg device "${PUSHOVER_DEVICE}" \ --arg html "1" \ '{token: $token, user: $user, title: $title, message: $message, url: $url, url_title: $url_title, priority: $priority, sound: $sound, device: $device, html: $html}' \ ) status_code=$(curl \ --write-out "%{http_code}" \ --silent \ --output /dev/null \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary "${notification}" \ --request POST "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json" \ ) if [[ "${status_code}" -ne 200 ]] ; then printf "%s - Unable to send notification with status code %s and payload: %s\n" "$(date)" "${status_code}" "$(echo "${notification}" | jq -c)" >&2 exit 1 else printf "%s - Sent notification with status code %s and payload: %s\n" "$(date)" "${status_code}" "$(echo "${notification}" | jq -c)" fi