--- # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bjw-s/helm-charts/main/charts/other/app-template/schemas/helmrelease-helm-v2beta2.schema.json apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2 kind: HelmRelease metadata: name: &app zfs-scrub spec: interval: 30m chart: spec: chart: app-template version: 3.2.1 sourceRef: kind: HelmRepository name: bjw-s namespace: flux-system install: remediation: retries: 3 upgrade: cleanupOnFail: true remediation: retries: 3 strategy: rollback values: controllers: kubanetics: type: cronjob cronjob: schedule: "@weekly" parallelism: 1 # Set to my total number of nodes containers: app: image: repository: ghcr.io/aarnaud/talos-debug-tools tag: latest-6.6.29 command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"] args: - | # Trim filesystems chroot /host /usr/local/sbin/zpool scrub nahar probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false resources: requests: cpu: 25m limits: memory: 128Mi securityContext: privileged: true pod: hostNetwork: true hostPID: true topologySpreadConstraints: - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule labelSelector: matchLabels: app.kubernetes.io/name: *app persistence: netfs: type: hostPath hostPath: /sys hostPathType: Directory globalMounts: - path: /sys readOnly: true dev: type: hostPath hostPath: /dev hostPathType: Directory globalMounts: - path: /dev modules: type: hostPath hostPath: /lib/modules hostPathType: "" globalMounts: - path: /lib/modules udev: type: hostPath hostPath: /run/udev hostPathType: "" globalMounts: - path: /run/udev localtime: type: hostPath hostPath: /etc/localtime hostPathType: "" globalMounts: - path: /etc/localtime host: type: hostPath hostPath: / hostPathType: Directory globalMounts: - path: /host efivars: type: hostPath hostPath: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars hostPathType: "" globalMounts: - path: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars