--- - name: Coredns block: - name: Coredns | Check if Coredns HelmChart exists kubernetes.core.k8s_info: kubeconfig: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml name: coredns kind: HelmChart namespace: kube-system register: coredns_helmchart - name: Coredns | Wait for Coredns to rollout when: coredns_helmchart.resources | count > 0 kubernetes.core.k8s_info: kubeconfig: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml name: helm-install-coredns kind: Job namespace: kube-system wait: true wait_condition: type: Complete status: true wait_timeout: 360 - name: Coredns | Patch the Coredns HelmChart to unmanage it when: coredns_helmchart.resources | count > 0 kubernetes.core.k8s_json_patch: kubeconfig: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml name: coredns kind: HelmChart namespace: kube-system patch: - op: add path: /metadata/annotations/helmcharts.helm.cattle.io~1unmanaged value: "true" - name: Coredns | Delete the Coredns HelmChart CR when: coredns_helmchart.resources | count > 0 kubernetes.core.k8s: kubeconfig: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml name: coredns kind: HelmChart namespace: kube-system state: absent - name: Coredns | Force delete the Coredns HelmChart when: coredns_helmchart.resources | count > 0 kubernetes.core.k8s: kubeconfig: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml name: coredns kind: HelmChart namespace: kube-system state: patched definition: metadata: finalizers: []