param( [switch]$Verbose ) if ($Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = "Continue" } $pluginPath = "$env:APPDATA\helm\plugins\helm-diff\bin" $binaryPath = "$pluginPath\diff.exe" $latestRelease = "" $tempFile = "$env:TEMP\helm-diff.tgz" function Update-HelmDiff { try { Write-Verbose "Checking for existing installation..." if (Test-Path $binaryPath) { Write-Host "Found existing helm-diff installation. Updating..." # Download latest release Write-Verbose "Downloading latest release..." try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestRelease -OutFile $tempFile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Failed to download helm-diff: $_" exit 1 } # Extract and move new binary Write-Verbose "Extracting new binary..." try { tar -xf $tempFile -C $pluginPath "diff/bin/diff.exe" Move-Item "$pluginPath\diff\bin\diff.exe" $pluginPath -Force Remove-Item -Path "$pluginPath\diff" -Recurse -Force } catch { Write-Error "Failed to extract and move binary: $_" exit 1 } # Cleanup Write-Verbose "Cleaning up temporary files..." Remove-Item $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "helm-diff successfully updated at: $binaryPath" helm diff version exit 0 } else { Write-Verbose "No existing installation found. Proceeding with new installation." } } catch { Write-Error "Update failed: $_" exit 1 } } # Main script execution Update-HelmDiff # If no existing installation found, proceed with new installation Write-Verbose "Installing helm-diff..." try { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $pluginPath | Out-Null # Download latest release Write-Verbose "Downloading latest release..." try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestRelease -OutFile $tempFile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Failed to download helm-diff: $_" exit 1 } # Extract and move binary Write-Verbose "Extracting binary..." try { tar -xf $tempFile -C $pluginPath "diff/bin/diff.exe" Move-Item "$pluginPath\diff\bin\diff.exe" $pluginPath -Force Remove-Item -Path "$pluginPath\diff" -Recurse -Force } catch { Write-Error "Failed to extract and move binary: $_" exit 1 } # Cleanup Write-Verbose "Cleaning up temporary files..." Remove-Item $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "helm-diff successfully installed at: $binaryPath" helm diff version } catch { Write-Error "Installation failed: $_" exit 1 }