{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }: { imports = [ inputs.hyprland-git.homeManagerModules.default ]; wayland.windowManager.hyprland = { enable = true; systemd.enable = true; plugins = [ inputs.hy3.packages.${pkgs.system}.hy3 ]; settings = { "$mod" = "SUPER"; bind = [ "$mod, V, exec, vivaldi" "$mod, W, exec, alacritty" ]; "monitor" = "eDP-1,1920x1080@60,0x0,1"; "$terminal" = "alacritty"; input = { touchpad = { natural_scroll = "false"; }; }; }; }; # please change the username & home direcotry to your own home.username = "jahanson"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/jahanson"; # basic configuration of git, please change to your own programs.git = { enable = true; userName = "Joseph Hanson"; userEmail = "joe@veri.dev"; extraConfig = { user = { signingkey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIDSAmssproxG+KsVn2DfuteBAemHrmmAFzCtldpKl4J"; }; gpg = { format = "ssh"; }; "gpg \"ssh\"" = { program = "/etc/profiles/per-user/jahanson/bin/op-ssh-sign"; }; commit = { gpgsign = true; }; }; }; # exa replacement, ls replacement. programs.lsd.enable = true; programs.fish = { enable = true; shellAliases = { # lsd ls = "lsd"; ll = "lsd -l"; la = "lsd -a"; lt = "lsd --tree"; lla = "lsd -la"; # other df = "df -h"; du = "du -h"; }; # rtx hook-env | source # rtx activate fish | source shellInit = '' direnv hook fish | source atuin init fish | source set -gx PATH $PATH $HOME/.krew/bin ''; functions = { fish_greeting = { description = "Set the fish greeting"; body = "fastfetch"; }; }; }; # Packages that should be installed to the user profile. home.packages = with pkgs; [ # here is some command line tools I use frequently # feel free to add your own or remove some of them # terminal file managers nnn ranger yazi # archives zip xz unzip p7zip # utils go-task ripgrep # recursively searches directories for a regex pattern jq # A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor yq-go # yaml processer https://github.com/mikefarah/yq fzf # A command-line fuzzy finder age # sops-age encryption sops direnv # shell environment management pre-commit # Pre-commit tasks for git minio-client # S3 management shellcheck envsubst kustomize _1password-gui _1password # networking tools iperf3 dnsutils # `dig` + `nslookup` ldns # replacement of `dig`, it provide the command `drill` aria2 # A lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility socat # replacement of openbsd-netcat nmap # A utility for network discovery and security auditing ipcalc # it is a calculator for the IPv4/v6 addresses # kubernetes k9s kubectl kubelogin-oidc # omni login for k8s krew fluxcd kubernetes-helm cilium-cli hubble lens # misc fastfetch cowsay file which tree gnused gnutar gawk zstd gnupg fira-code-nerdfont # nix related # # it provides the command `nom` works just like `nix` # with more details log output nix-output-monitor nixd # nix lsp server # productivity hugo # static site generator glow # markdown previewer in terminal btop # replacement of htop/nmon iotop # io monitoring iftop # network monitoring # system call monitoring strace # system call monitoring ltrace # library call monitoring lsof # list open files # system tools sysstat lm_sensors # for `sensors` command ethtool pciutils # lspci usbutils # lsusb rtx # rtx package manager # Browsers firefox vivaldi vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs # Email thunderbird # Dev vscode termius atuin ]; # starship - an customizable prompt for any shell programs.starship = { enable = true; # custom settings settings = { add_newline = false; aws.disabled = true; gcloud.disabled = true; line_break.disabled = true; username = { disabled = false; show_always = true; format = "[$user]($style)@"; }; hostname ={ disabled = false; ssh_only = false; format = "[$hostname]($style) "; ssh_symbol = ""; }; }; }; # alacritty - a cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator programs.alacritty = { enable = true; # custom settings settings = { env.TERM = "xterm-256color"; font = { size = 12; }; scrolling.multiplier = 5; selection.save_to_clipboard = true; window.dimensions = { columns = 120; lines = 30; }; }; }; # This value determines the home Manager release that your # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage # when a new home Manager release introduces backwards # incompatible changes. # # You can update home Manager without changing this value. See # the home Manager release notes for a list of state version # changes in each release. home.stateVersion = "24.05"; # Let home Manager install and manage itself. programs.home-manager.enable = true; }