# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on # your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page, on # https://search.nixos.org/options and in the NixOS manual (`nixos-help`). { config , lib , pkgs , ... }: { mySystem.purpose = "Homelab"; mySystem.services = { openssh.enable = true; podman.enable = true; traefik.enable = true; gatus.enable = true; homepage.enable = true; # backrest.enable = true; plex.enable = true; tautulli.enable = true; factorio.freight-forwarding.enable = true; # the factory must grow searxng.enable = true; whoogle.enable = true; redlib.enable = true; mosquitto.enable = true; }; mySystem.nfs.nas.enable = true; mySystem.persistentFolder = "/persist"; mySystem.system.motd.networkInterfaces = [ "enp1s0" ]; mySystem.nasFolder = "/mnt/nas"; mySystem.system.resticBackup.local.location = "/mnt/nas/backup/nixos/nixos"; boot = { initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ]; initrd.kernelModules = [ ]; kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ]; extraModulePackages = [ ]; # for managing/mounting ntfs supportedFilesystems = [ "ntfs" ]; loader = { systemd-boot.enable = true; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; # why not ensure we can memtest workstatons easily? # TODO check whether this is actually working, cant see it in grub? grub.memtest86.enable = true; }; }; networking.hostName = "shodan"; # Define your hostname. networking.hostId = "0a90730f"; networking.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true; fileSystems."/" = { device = "rpool/local/root"; fsType = "zfs"; }; fileSystems."/nix" = { device = "rpool/local/nix"; fsType = "zfs"; }; fileSystems."/persist" = { device = "rpool/safe/persist"; fsType = "zfs"; }; fileSystems."/boot" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/76FA-78DF"; fsType = "vfat"; options = [ "fmask=0022" "dmask=0022" ]; }; }