I've added warnings and assertations to code using nix to help me avoid misconfigurations. For example, if a module needs a database enabled, it can abort a deployment if it is not enabled. Similary, I have added warnings if I have disabled backups for production machines. !!! question "But why, when its not being shared with others?" Because I guarentee ill somehow stuff it up down the track and accidently disable things I didnt mean to. Roll your eyes, Ill thank myself later. > Learnt from: [Nix Manual](https://nlewo.github.io/nixos-manual-sphinx/development/assertions.xml.html) ## Warnings Warnings will print a warning message duyring a nix build or deployment, but **NOT** stop the action. Great for things like reminders on disabled features To add a warning inside a module: ```nix # Warn if backups are disable and machine isn't a dev box config.warnings = [ (mkIf (!cfg.local.enable && config.mySystem.purpose != "Development") "WARNING: Local backups are disabled!") (mkIf (!cfg.remote.enable && config.mySystem.purpose != "Development") "WARNING: Remote backups are disabled!") ]; ```
![Alt text](../includes/assets/no-backup-warning.png)
Oh THATS what I forgot to re-enable...
## Abort/assert Warnings bigger and meaner brother. Stops a nix build/deploy dead in its tracks. Only useful for when deployment is incompatiable with running - i.e. a dependency not met in options.