--- # These settings are synced to GitHub by https://probot.github.io/apps/settings/ repository: # See https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#update-a-repository for all available settings. # The name of the repository. Changing this will rename the repository name: nix-config # A short description of the repository that will show up on GitHub description: My nix & nixos home setup # A URL with more information about the repository # homepage: https://example.github.io/ # A comma-separated list of topics to set on the repository topics: nix, nixos # Either `true` to make the repository private, or `false` to make it public. private: false # Either `true` to enable issues for this repository, `false` to disable them. has_issues: true # Either `true` to enable projects for this repository, or `false` to disable them. # If projects are disabled for the organization, passing `true` will cause an API error. has_projects: false # Either `true` to enable the wiki for this repository, `false` to disable it. has_wiki: false # Either `true` to enable downloads for this repository, `false` to disable them. has_downloads: false # Updates the default branch for this repository. default_branch: main # Either `true` to allow squash-merging pull requests, or `false` to prevent # squash-merging. allow_squash_merge: true # Either `true` to allow merging pull requests with a merge commit, or `false` # to prevent merging pull requests with merge commits. allow_merge_commit: false # Either `true` to allow rebase-merging pull requests, or `false` to prevent # rebase-merging. allow_rebase_merge: true # Either `true` to enable automatic deletion of branches on merge, or `false` to disable delete_branch_on_merge: true # Either `true` to enable automated security fixes, or `false` to disable # automated security fixes. enable_automated_security_fixes: false # Either `true` to enable vulnerability alerts, or `false` to disable # vulnerability alerts. enable_vulnerability_alerts: true # Labels: define labels for Issues and Pull Requests # labels: # - name: bug # color: CC0000 # description: An issue with the system 🐛. # - name: feature # # If including a `#`, make sure to wrap it with quotes! # color: '#336699' # description: New functionality. # - name: Help Wanted # # Provide a new name to rename an existing label # new_name: first-timers-only # TODO branch protection once nailed down.