# Repository Structure
!!! note inline end
Oh god writing this now is a horrid idea, I always refactor like 50 times...
Here is a bit of a walkthrough of the repository structure so ~~you~~ I can have a vague idea on what is going on. Organizing a monorepo is hard at the best of times.
├── .github
│ ├── renovate Renovate modules
│ ├── workflows Github Action workflows (i.e. CI/Site building)
│ └── renovate.json5 Renovate core settings
├── .taskfiles go-task file modules
├── docs This mkdocs-material site
│ nixos Nixos Modules
│ └── home home-manager nix files
│ ├── modules home-manager modules
│ └── truxnell home-manager user
│ ├── hosts hosts for nix - starting point of configs.
│ ├── modules nix modules
│ ├── overlays nixpkgs overlays
│ ├── pkgs custom nix packages
│ └── profiles host profiles
├── README.md Github Repo landing page
├── flake.nix Core flake
├── flake.lock Lockfile
├── LICENSE Project License
├── mkdocs.yml mkdocs settings
└── Taskfile.yaml go-task core file
Whew that wasnt so hard right... right?