# Ref: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Encrypted_DNS#dnscrypt-proxy2 { inputs , outputs , pkgs , config , ... }: { # Disable resolvd to ensure it doesnt re-write /etc/resolv.conf config.services.resolved.enable = false; # Fix this devices DNS resolv.conf else resolvd will point it to dnscrypt # causing a risk of no dns if service fails. config.networking = { nameservers = [ "" ]; # TODO make varible IP dhcpcd.extraConfig = "nohook resolv.conf"; }; # configure secret for forwarding rules config.sops.secrets."system/networking/dnscrypt-proxy2/forwarding-rules".sopsFile = ./dnscrypt-proxy2.sops.yaml; config.sops.secrets."system/networking/dnscrypt-proxy2/forwarding-rules".mode = "0444"; # This is world-readable but theres nothing security related in the file # Restart dnscrypt when secret changes config.sops.secrets."system/networking/dnscrypt-proxy2/forwarding-rules".restartUnits = [ "dnscrypt-proxy2" ]; config.services.dnscrypt-proxy2 = { enable = true; settings = { require_dnssec = true; forwarding_rules = config.sops.secrets."system/networking/dnscrypt-proxy2/forwarding-rules".path; listen_addresses = [ "" ]; server_names = [ "NextDNS" ]; static = { "NextDNS" = { stamp = "sdns://AgEAAAAAAAAAAAAOZG5zLm5leHRkbnMuaW8HL2Y2ZmUzNQ"; }; }; }; }; }