# Truxnell's homelab [![NixOS](https://img.shields.io/badge/NIXOS-5277C3.svg?style=for-the-badge&logo=NixOS&logoColor=white)](https://nixos.org) [![NixOS](https://img.shields.io/badge/NixOS-23.11-blue?style=for-the-badge&logo=nixos&logoColor=white)](https://nixos.org) [![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/truxnell/nix-config?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/truxnell/nix-config/blob/ci/LICENSE) [![renovate](https://img.shields.io/badge/renovate-enabled-%231A1F6C?logo=renovatebot)](https://developer.mend.io/github/truxnell/nix-config) [![built with garnix](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgarnix.io%2Fapi%2Fbadges%2Ftruxnell%2Fnix-config%3Fbranch%3Dmain)](https://garnix.io) ![Code Comprehension](https://img.shields.io/badge/Code%20comprehension-26%25-red) Leveraging nix, nix-os and other funny magic man words to apply machine and home configurations [Repository Documentation](https://truxnell.github.io/nix-config/) ## Background Having used a variety of infracture as code solutions - and having found them lacking in some areas, it is time to give nix a go. Frustrations with other methods tend to be bitrot and config drift - very annoying to want to do a quick disaster recovery and find your have different versions of modules/utilities, breaking changes in code you didnt catch, etc. ## Getting started To Install ``` # nixos-rebuild switch --flake github:truxnell/nix-config#HOST ``` ## Goals - [ ] Learn nix - [ ] Mostly reproduce features from my existing homelab - [ ] Replace existing ubuntu-based 'NAS' - [ ] Expand usage to other shell environments such as WSL, etc - [ ] handle secrets - decide between sweet and simple SOPS or re-use my doppler setup. - [ ] keep it simple, use trusted boring tools ## TODO - [ ] Github Actions update fly.io instances (Bitwarden) - [ ] Bring over hosts - [x] DNS01 Raspi4 - [x] DNS02 Raspi4 - [x] NAS - [x] Latop - [x] Gaming desktop - [ ] WSL - [ ] JJY emulator Raspi4 - [x] Documentation! - [x] ssh_config build from computers? - [x] Modularise host to allow vm builds and hw builds - [x] Add license - [x] Add taskfiles ## Checklist ### Adding new node - Ensure secrets are grabbed from note and all sops re-encrypte with task sops:re-encrypt - Add to relevant github action workflows - Add to .github/settings.yaml for PR checks ## Applying configuration changes on a local machine can be done as follows: ```sh cd ~/dotfiles sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake . # This will automatically pick the configuration name based on the hostname ``` Applying configuration changes to a remote machine can be done as follows: ```sh cd ~/dotfiles nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#nameOfMachine --target-host machineToSshInto --use-remote-sudo ``` ## Hacking at nix files Eval config to see what keys are being set. ```bash nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.rickenbacker.config.security.sudo.WheelNeedsPassword nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.rickenbacker.config.mySystem.security.wheelNeedsPassword ``` And browsing whats at a certain level in options. ```bash nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.rickenbacker.config.home-manager.users.truxnell --apply builtins.attrNames --json ``` Quickly run a flake to see what the next error message is as you hack. ```bash nixos-rebuild dry-run --flake . --fast --impure ``` ## Links & References - [Misterio77/nix-starter-config](https://github.com/Misterio77/nix-starter-configs) - [billimek/dotfiles](https://github.com/billimek/dotfiles/) - [Erase your Darlings](https://grahamc.com/blog/erase-your-darlings/) - [NixOS Flakes](https://www.tweag.io/blog/2020-07-31-nixos-flakes/)