2025-02-28 23:44:35 -06:00

406 lines
10 KiB

}: let
sanoidConfig = import ./config/sanoid.nix {};
disks = import ./config/disks.nix;
smartdDevices = map (device: {inherit device;}) disks;
pushoverNotify = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "pushover-notify";
runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [
excludeShellChecks = ["SC2154"];
text = ''
${builtins.readFile ./scripts/}
refreshSeries = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
name = "refresh-series";
runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [
excludeShellChecks = ["SC2154"];
text = ''
${builtins.readFile ./scripts/}
in {
imports = [
(import ../../profiles/disko-nixos.nix {
disks = ["/dev/sda|/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_Plus_500GB_S58SNM0W406409E"];
boot = {
initrd = {
kernelModules = ["nfs"];
supportedFilesystems = ["nfs"];
binfmt.emulatedSystems = ["aarch64-linux"]; # Enabled for arm compilation
kernelModules = [
extraModulePackages = [];
kernelParams = ["zfs.zfs_arc_max=107374182400"]; # 100GB
swapDevices = [];
hardware = {
cpu.amd.updateMicrocode = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware; = true;
graphics.enable = true;
# opengl.enable = true;
nvidia-container-toolkit.enable = true;
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [];
# Network settings
networking = {
hostName = "shadowfax";
hostId = "a885fabe";
# Home Manager
home-manager.users.jahanson = {
# Git settings
# TODO: Move to config module.
programs.git = {
enable = true;
userName = "Joseph Hanson";
userEmail = "";
extraConfig = {
core.autocrlf = "input";
init.defaultBranch = "main";
pull.rebase = true;
rebase.autoStash = true;
# System packages
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# dev
# fun
# Scripts
# enable docker socket at /run/docker.sock
virtualisation.podman.dockerSocket.enable = true;
programs = {
# 1Password cli
_1password.enable = true;
_1password-gui.enable = true;
# Mosh
mosh.enable = true;
# VSCode Compatibility Settings
nix-ld.enable = true;
# Open ports in the firewall.
networking.firewall = {
allowedTCPPorts = [
# Caddy
80 # http
443 # https
179 # BGP
2019 # caddy admin api
# Minio
9000 # console web interface
9001 # api interface
# Beszel-agent
# scrypted
services = {
# Minecraft
minecraft-servers = {
enable = true;
eula = true;
openFirewall = true;
dataDir = "/nahar/minecraft";
servers.fabric = {
enable = true;
# Specify the custom minecraft server package
package = pkgs.fabricServers.fabric-1_21_1.override {
loaderVersion = "0.16.10";
}; # Specific fabric loader version
symlinks = {
mods = pkgs.linkFarmFromDrvs "mods" (
builtins.attrValues {
Fabric-API = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha512 = "e5f3c3431b96b281300dd118ee523379ff6a774c0e864eab8d159af32e5425c915f8664b1cd576f20275e8baf995e016c5971fea7478c8cb0433a83663f2aea8";
Backpacks = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha512 = "6efcff5ded172d469ddf2bb16441b6c8de5337cc623b6cb579e975cf187af0b79291b91a37399a6e67da0758c0e0e2147281e7a19510f8f21fa6a9c14193a88b";
# Minio
minio = {
enable = true;
dataDir = ["/eru/minio"];
rootCredentialsFile = config.sops.secrets."minio".path;
# Netdata
netdata = {
enable = true;
# Prometheus exporters
prometheus.exporters = {
# Node Exporter - port 9100
node.enable = true;
# ZFS Exporter - port 9134
zfs.enable = true;
# Smart daemon for monitoring disk health.
smartd = {
devices = smartdDevices;
# Short test every day at 2:00 AM and long test every Sunday at 4:00 AM.
defaults.monitored = "-a -o on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../7/04)";
# Soft Serve - SSH git server
soft-serve = {
enable = true;
settings = import ./config/soft-serve.nix {};
sunshine = {
enable = true;
autoStart = true;
capSysAdmin = true; # only needed for Wayland
openFirewall = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.sunshine;
# Tailscale
tailscale = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
# VSCode Compatibility Settings
vscode-server.enable = true;
xserver.videoDrivers = ["nvidia"];
# sops
sops = import ./config/sops-secrets.nix {};
# System settings and services.
mySystem = {
## Desktop Environment
# Hyprland
de.hyprland.enable = true;
# VS Code
editor.vscode.enable = true;
# Containers
containers = {
jellyfin.enable = true;
jellyseerr.enable = true;
ollama.enable = true;
plex.enable = true;
scrypted.enable = true;
purpose = "Production";
# Services
services = {
borgmatic.enable = true;
# Misc
libvirt-qemu.enable = true;
podman.enable = true;
# Prowlarr
prowlarr = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.prowlarr;
dataDir = "/nahar/prowlarr";
port = 9696;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
apiKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/prowlarr/apiKey".path;
# Radarr
radarr = {
enable = true;
instances = {
movies1080p = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.radarr;
dataDir = "/nahar/radarr/1080p";
extraEnvVarFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/radarr/1080p/extraEnvVars".path;
moviesDir = "/moria/media/Movies";
user = "radarr";
group = "kah";
port = 7878;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
apiKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/radarr/1080p/apiKey".path;
moviesAnime = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.radarr;
dataDir = "/nahar/radarr/anime";
extraEnvVarFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/radarr/anime/extraEnvVars".path;
moviesDir = "/moria/media/Anime/Movies";
user = "radarr";
group = "kah";
port = 7879;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
apiKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/radarr/anime/apiKey".path;
# Sonarr
sonarr = {
enable = true;
instances = {
tv1080p = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.sonarr;
dataDir = "/nahar/sonarr/1080p";
extraEnvVarFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/sonarr/1080p/extraEnvVars".path;
tvDir = "/moria/media/TV";
user = "sonarr";
group = "kah";
port = 8989;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
apiKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/sonarr/1080p/apiKey".path;
anime = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.sonarr;
dataDir = "/nahar/sonarr/anime";
extraEnvVarFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/sonarr/anime/extraEnvVars".path;
tvDir = "/moria/media/Anime/Shows";
user = "sonarr";
group = "kah";
port = 8990;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
apiKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/sonarr/anime/apiKey".path;
# Sabnzbd
sabnzbd = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.sabnzbd;
configFile = "/nahar/sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini";
port = 8457;
user = "sabnzbd";
group = "kah";
# Security hardening.
dataDir = "/nahar/sabnzbd";
downloadsDir = "/eru/media/sabnzbd";
hardening = true;
openFirewall = true;
# Unpackerr
unpackerr = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.unpackerr;
configFile = "/tmp/unpackerr/config.yaml";
extraEnvVarsFile = config.sops.secrets."arr/unpackerr/extraEnvVars".path;
user = "unpackerr";
group = "kah";
# Sanoid
sanoid = {
enable = true;
inherit (sanoidConfig.outputs) templates datasets;
# Scrutiny
scrutiny = {
enable = true;
devices = disks;
extraCapabilities = [
containerVolumeLocation = "/nahar/containers/volumes/scrutiny";
port = 8585;
# Syncthing
syncthing = {
enable = false;
user = "jahanson";
publicCertPath = config.sops.secrets."syncthing/publicCert".path;
privateKeyPath = config.sops.secrets."syncthing/privateKey".path;
# qBittorrent
qbittorrent = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.unstable.qbittorrent.override {guiSupport = false;};
user = "qbittorrent";
group = "kah";
dataDir = "/nahar/qbittorrent";
downloadsDir = "/eru/media/qb/downloads";
webuiPort = 8456;
openFirewall = true;
hardening = true;
qbittorrentPort = 50413;
# System
system = {
incus = {
enable = true;
preseed = import ./config/incus-preseed.nix {};
motd.networkInterfaces = ["bond0"];
nfs.enable = true;
zfs.enable = true;
zfs.mountPoolsAtBoot = [