#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i bash -p cacert curl jq nix moreutils --pure #shellcheck shell=bash set -eu -o pipefail cd "$(dirname "$0")" nixpkgs=$(nix-instantiate --eval -E '<nixpkgs>' --impure) err() { echo "$*" >&2 exit 1 } json_get() { jq -r "$1" < "./versions.json" } json_set() { jq --arg x "$2" "$1 = \$x" < "./versions.json" | sponge "./versions.json" } resolve_url() { local pkg sfx url local -i i max_redirects case "$1" in darwin) pkg=macos sfx=dmg ;; linux) pkg=pacman sfx=pkg.tar.zst ;; *) err "Unexpected download type: $1" ;; esac url="https://app.warp.dev/download?package=${pkg}" ((max_redirects = 15)) for ((i = 0; i < max_redirects; i++)); do url=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{redirect_url}' "${url}") [[ ${url} != *.${sfx} ]] || break done ((i < max_redirects)) || { err "too many redirects"; } echo "${url}" } get_version() { echo "$1" | grep -oP -m 1 '(?<=/v)[\d.\w]+(?=/)' } # nix-prefetch-url seems to be uncompressing the archive then taking the hash # so just get the hash from fetchurl sri_get() { local ouput sri output=$(nix-build --expr \ "with import $nixpkgs {}; fetchurl { url = \"$1\"; }" 2>&1 || true) sri=$(echo "$output" | awk '/^\s+got:\s+/{ print $2 }') [[ -z "$sri" ]] && err "$output" echo "$sri" } for sys in darwin linux; do url=$(resolve_url ${sys}) version=$(get_version "${url}") if [[ ${version} != "$(json_get ".${sys}.version")" ]]; then sri=$(sri_get "${url}") json_set ".${sys}.version" "${version}" json_set ".${sys}.hash" "${sri}" fi done