{inputs, ...}: let # smartmontoolsOverlay = import ./smartmontools { }; # vivaldiOverlay = self: super: { vivaldi = super.callPackage ./vivaldi { }; }; coderOverlay = self: super: {coder = super.callPackage ./coder {};}; # modsOverlay = self: super: { mods = super.callPackage ./charm-mods { }; }; termiusOverlay = self: super: {termius = super.callPackage ./termius {};}; in { # smartmontools = smartmontoolsOverlay; # vivaldi = vivaldiOverlay; coder = coderOverlay; comm-packages = inputs.nix-vscode-extensions.overlays.default; # mods = modsOverlay; nix-minecraft = inputs.nix-minecraft.overlay; nur = inputs.nur.overlays.default; termius = termiusOverlay; # The unstable nixpkgs set (declared in the flake inputs) will # be accessible through 'pkgs.unstable' unstable-packages = final: prev: { unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable { inherit (final) system; config.allowUnfree = true; } // { # Add talosctl to the unstable set talosctl = final.unstable.callPackage ./talosctl { inherit (final.unstable) lib buildGoModule fetchFromGitHub installShellFiles ; }; xpipe = final.unstable.callPackage ./xpipe/ptb.nix {}; prowlarr = final.unstable.callPackage ./arr/prowlarr.nix {}; radarr = final.unstable.callPackage ./arr/radarr.nix {}; sonarr = final.unstable.callPackage ./arr/sonarr.nix {}; }; }; }