{pkgs, ...}: { imports = []; swapDevices = []; virtualisation.docker.enable = true; # System packages environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # myPkgs.modrinth-app-unwrapped dconf-editor fastfetch gtk3 nodejs_22 pavucontrol # Pulseaudio volume control vesktop # Discord custom client zulu # Java OpenJDK ]; environment.sessionVariables = { # Wayland and Chromium/Electron apps. NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; }; services = { # Tailscale tailscale = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; # Pipewire and Pulseaudio pipewire = { enable = true; alsa.enable = true; pulse.enable = true; extraConfig.pipewire = { "10-clock-rate" = { "context.properties" = { "default.clock.rate" = 48000; }; }; "10-clock-quantum" = { "context.properties" = { "default.clock.quantum" = 1024; }; }; }; }; blueman.enable = true; }; ## System settings and services. mySystem = { purpose = "Development"; #services.syncthing = { # enable = false; # user = "jahanson"; # publicCertPath = config.sops.secrets."syncthing/publicCert".path; # privateKeyPath = config.sops.secrets."syncthing/privateKey".path; #}; ## Desktop Environment ## Gnome # de.gnome.enable = true; ## KDE # de.kde.enable = true; ## Hyprland de.hyprland.enable = true; ## Games # games.steam.enable = true; ## System config system = { motd.networkInterfaces = ["wlp1s0"]; fingerprint-reader-on-laptop-lid.enable = true; }; framework_wifi_swap.enable = true; security._1password.enable = true; }; }