{ pkgs, config, inputs, ... }: with config; { imports = [ ../modules ]; config = { myHome = { username = "jahanson"; homeDirectory = "/home/jahanson/"; shell = { atuind.enable = true; starship.enable = true; fish.enable = true; }; }; systemd.user.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "vim"; }; home = { # Install these packages for my user packages = with pkgs; [ # misc file which tree gnused gnutar gawk zstd gnupg # archives zip xz unzip p7zip # cli bat dbus direnv git python3 fzf ripgrep lsd unstable.atuin # terminal file managers nnn ranger unstable.yazi-unwrapped # networking tools iperf3 dnsutils # `dig` + `nslookup` ldns # replacement of `dig`, it provide the command `drill` aria2 # A lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility socat # replacement of openbsd-netcat nmap # A utility for network discovery and security auditing ipcalc # it is a calculator for the IPv4/v6 addresses # system tools sysstat lm_sensors # for `sensors` command ethtool # modify network interface settings or firmware pciutils # lspci usbutils # lsusb lshw # lshw # filesystem tools gptfdisk # sgdisk # system call monitoring strace # system call monitoring ltrace # library call monitoring lsof # list open files btop # replacement of htop/nmon iotop # io monitoring iftop # network monitoring # dev utils direnv # shell environment management envsubst # nix tools nvd # backup tools unstable.rclone unstable.restic ]; }; }; }