# shellcheck disable=SC2154,2148 # User defined variables for pushover PUSHOVER_USER_KEY="${PUSHOVER_USER_KEY:-required}" PUSHOVER_TOKEN="${PUSHOVER_TOKEN:-required}" PUSHOVER_PRIORITY="${PUSHOVER_PRIORITY:-"-2"}" PUSHOVER_TITLE="${sonarr_eventtype} - Title unset" PUSHOVER_MESSAGE="${sonarr_eventtype} - Message unset" PUSHOVER_URL="${sonarr_eventtype} - url unset" PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE="${sonarr_eventtype} - url title unset" if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "Test" ]]; then PUSHOVER_PRIORITY="1" printf -v PUSHOVER_TITLE \ "Test Notification" printf -v PUSHOVER_MESSAGE \ "Howdy this is a test notification from %s" \ "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL \ "%s" \ "${sonarr_applicationurl:-localhost}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE \ "Open %s" \ "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "Download" ]]; then printf -v PUSHOVER_TITLE \ "Episode %s" \ "$([[ "${sonarr_isupgrade}" == "True" ]] && echo "Upgraded" || echo "Downloaded")" printf -v PUSHOVER_MESSAGE \ "%s (S%02dE%02d)\n%s\n\nQuality: %s\nClient: %s" \ "${sonarr_series_title}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_seasonnumber}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_episodenumbers}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_episodetitles}" \ "${sonarr_episodefile_quality:-Unknown}" \ "${sonarr_download_client:-Unknown}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL \ "%s/series/%s" \ "${sonarr_applicationurl:-localhost}" \ "${sonarr_series_titleslug}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE \ "View series in %s" \ "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi if [[ "${sonarr_eventtype:-}" == "ManualInteractionRequired" ]]; then PUSHOVER_PRIORITY="1" printf -v PUSHOVER_TITLE \ "Episode import requires intervention" printf -v PUSHOVER_MESSAGE \ "%s\nClient: %s" \ "${sonarr_series_title}" \ "${sonarr_download_client:-Unknown}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL \ "%s/activity/queue" \ "${sonarr_applicationurl:-localhost}" printf -v PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE \ "View queue in %s" \ "${sonarr_instancename:-Sonarr}" fi json_data=$( jo \ token="${PUSHOVER_TOKEN}" \ user="${PUSHOVER_USER_KEY}" \ title="${PUSHOVER_TITLE}" \ message="${PUSHOVER_MESSAGE}" \ url="${PUSHOVER_URL}" \ url_title="${PUSHOVER_URL_TITLE}" \ priority="${PUSHOVER_PRIORITY}" \ html="1" ) status_code=$( curl \ --silent \ --write-out "%{http_code}" \ --output /dev/null \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary "${json_data}" \ "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json" ) printf "pushover notification returned with HTTP status code %s and payload: %s\n" \ "${status_code}" \ "$(echo "${json_data}" | jq --compact-output)" >&2