{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim # zig broken on darwin #ncdu git tmux cachix direnv ]; sops.secrets."forgejo-runner-token" = { # configure secret for forwarding rules sopsFile = ./secrets.sops.yaml; mode = "0444"; restartUnits = [ "gitea-runner-default.service" ]; }; virtualisation.docker.enable = true; users.users.gitea-runner.group = "gitea-runner"; users.users.gitea-runner.extraGroups = [ "docker" ]; users.users.gitea-runner.isNormalUser = true; services.gitea-actions-runner = { package = pkgs.forgejo-actions-runner; instances.default = { enable = true; name = "monolith"; url = "https://git.hsn.dev"; # Obtaining the path to the runner token file may differ tokenFile = config.sops.secrets.forgejo-runner-token.path; labels = [ "ubuntu-latest:docker://node:16-bullseye" "ubuntu-22.04:docker://node:16-bullseye" "ubuntu-20.04:docker://node:16-bullseye" "ubuntu-18.04:docker://node:16-buster" ## optionally provide native execution on the host: # "native:host" ]; }; }; system.stateVersion = "24.05"; } # extraPackages = with pkgs; [ # # custom # cachix # tmate # jq # # nixos # docker # openssh # coreutils-full # bashInteractive # bash with ncurses support # bzip2 # cpio # curl # diffutils # findutils # gawk # stdenv.cc.libc # getent # getconf # gnugrep # gnupatch # gnused # gnutar # gzip # xz # less # ncurses # netcat # mkpasswd # procps # time # zstd # util-linux # which # nixos-rebuild # ];