package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" cmmetav1 "" "" extapi "" metav1 "" "" "" "" "os" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) var GroupName = os.Getenv("GROUP_NAME") func main() { if GroupName == "" { panic("GROUP_NAME must be specified") } // This will register our custom DNS provider with the webhook serving // library, making it available as an API under the provided GroupName. // You can register multiple DNS provider implementations with a single // webhook, where the Name() method will be used to disambiguate between // the different implementations. cmd.RunWebhookServer(GroupName, &dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver{}, ) } // dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver implements the provider-specific logic needed to // 'present' an ACME challenge TXT record for your own DNS provider. // To do so, it must implement the `` // interface. type dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver struct { // If a Kubernetes 'clientset' is needed, you must: // 1. uncomment the additional `client` field in this structure below // 2. uncomment the "" import at the top of the file // 3. uncomment the relevant code in the Initialize method below // 4. ensure your webhook's service account has the required RBAC role // assigned to it for interacting with the Kubernetes APIs you need. client *kubernetes.Clientset } // dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig is a structure that is used to decode into when // solving a DNS01 challenge. // This information is provided by cert-manager, and may be a reference to // additional configuration that's needed to solve the challenge for this // particular certificate or issuer. // This typically includes references to Secret resources containing DNS // provider credentials, in cases where a 'multi-tenant' DNS solver is being // created. // If you do *not* require per-issuer or per-certificate configuration to be // provided to your webhook, you can skip decoding altogether in favour of // using CLI flags or similar to provide configuration. // You should not include sensitive information here. If credentials need to // be used by your provider here, you should reference a Kubernetes Secret // resource and fetch these credentials using a Kubernetes clientset. type dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig struct { // Change the two fields below according to the format of the configuration // to be decoded. // These fields will be set by users in the // `issuer.spec.acme.dns01.providers.webhook.config` field. //Email string `json:"email"` APIKeySecretRef cmmetav1.SecretKeySelector `json:"apiKeySecretRef"` } // Name is used as the name for this DNS solver when referencing it on the ACME // Issuer resource. // This should be unique **within the group name**, i.e. you can have two // solvers configured with the same Name() **so long as they do not co-exist // within a single webhook deployment**. // For example, `cloudflare` may be used as the name of a solver. func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) Name() string { return "dnsimple" } // Present is responsible for actually presenting the DNS record with the // DNS provider. // This method should tolerate being called multiple times with the same value. // cert-manager itself will later perform a self check to ensure that the // solver has correctly configured the DNS provider. func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) Present(challengeRequest *v1alpha1.ChallengeRequest) error { config, err := loadConfig(challengeRequest.Config) klog.V(6).Infof("call function Present: namespace=%s, zone=%s, fqdn=%s", challengeRequest.ResourceNamespace, challengeRequest.ResolvedZone, challengeRequest.ResolvedFQDN) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to get secret `%s`; %v", challengeRequest.ResourceNamespace, err) } client, err := solver.getClient(&config, challengeRequest.ResourceNamespace) userID, err := whoAmI(client) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch account ID: %s", err) } entry, domain := solver.getDomainAndEntry(challengeRequest) klog.V(6).Infof("present for entry=%s, domain=%s", entry, domain) existingRecord, err := solver.getExistingRecord(client, userID, domain, entry, challengeRequest.Key) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving domain records: %s", err) } if existingRecord != nil { _, err = solver.updateRecord(client, userID, existingRecord, challengeRequest.Key) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to update record: %s", err) } } else { _, err = solver.createRecord(client, userID, &entry, domain, challengeRequest.Key) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to create record: %s", err) } } return nil } // CleanUp should delete the relevant TXT record from the DNS provider console. // If multiple TXT records exist with the same record name (e.g. // then **only** the record with the same `key` // value provided on the ChallengeRequest should be cleaned up. // This is in order to facilitate multiple DNS validations for the same domain // concurrently. func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) CleanUp(ch *v1alpha1.ChallengeRequest) error { cfg, err := loadConfig(ch.Config) if err != nil { return err } client, err := solver.getClient(&cfg, ch.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to get client: %s", err) } accountID, err := whoAmI(client) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch account ID: %s", err) } entry, domain := solver.getDomainAndEntry(ch) klog.V(6).Infof("present for entry=%s, domain=%s", entry, domain) existingRecord, err := solver.getExistingRecord(client, accountID, domain, entry, ch.Key) if existingRecord != nil { _, err = solver.deleteRecord(client, accountID, domain, existingRecord) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete record: %s", err) } } return nil } // Initialize will be called when the webhook first starts. // This method can be used to instantiate the webhook, i.e. initialising // connections or warming up caches. // Typically, the kubeClientConfig parameter is used to build a Kubernetes // client that can be used to fetch resources from the Kubernetes API, e.g. // Secret resources containing credentials used to authenticate with DNS // provider accounts. // The stopCh can be used to handle early termination of the webhook, in cases // where a SIGTERM or similar signal is sent to the webhook process. func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) Initialize(kubeClientConfig *rest.Config, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error { var err error solver.client, err = kubernetes.NewForConfig(kubeClientConfig) if err != nil { return err } return nil } // loadConfig is a small helper function that decodes JSON configuration into // the typed config struct. func loadConfig(cfgJSON *extapi.JSON) (dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig, error) { cfg := dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig{} // handle the 'base case' where no configuration has been provided if cfgJSON == nil { return cfg, nil } if err := json.Unmarshal(cfgJSON.Raw, &cfg); err != nil { return cfg, fmt.Errorf("error decoding solver config: %v", err) } return cfg, nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) getClient(cfg *dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig, namespace string) (*dnsimple.Client, error) { // Extracted the logic to get API key into a new function apiKey, err := solver.getAPIKeyFromSecret(cfg, namespace) if err != nil { return nil, err } tc := dnsimple.StaticTokenHTTPClient(context.TODO(), apiKey) client := dnsimple.NewClient(tc) client.BaseURL = "" return client, nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) getAPIKeyFromSecret(cfg *dnsimpleDNSProviderConfig, namespace string) (string, error) { secretName := cfg.APIKeySecretRef.LocalObjectReference.Name klog.V(6).Infof("Try to load secret `%s` with key `%s`", secretName, cfg.APIKeySecretRef.Key) secret, err := solver.client.CoreV1().Secrets(namespace).Get(context.TODO(), secretName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to get secret `%s`; %v", secretName, err) } secretData, ok := stringFromSecretData(secret.Data, cfg.APIKeySecretRef.Key) if ok != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to extract string from secret data; %v", err) } return secretData, nil } func stringFromSecretData(secretData map[string][]byte, key string) (string, error) { data, err := secretData[key] if !err { return "", fmt.Errorf("key %q not found in secret data", key) } return string(data), nil } func whoAmI(client *dnsimple.Client) (string, error) { whoAmIResponse, err := client.Identity.Whoami(context.TODO()) if err != nil { return "Error retrieving response from WhoAmI request.", err } // whoAmIResponse.Data.User.ID if apart of a Team. return strconv.FormatInt(whoAmIResponse.Data.Account.ID, 10), nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) getDomainAndEntry(ch *v1alpha1.ChallengeRequest) (string, string) { // Both ch.ResolvedZone and ch.ResolvedFQDN end with a dot: '.' entry := strings.TrimSuffix(ch.ResolvedFQDN, ch.ResolvedZone) entry = strings.TrimSuffix(entry, ".") domain := strings.TrimSuffix(ch.ResolvedZone, ".") return entry, domain } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) getExistingRecord(client *dnsimple.Client, accountID string, zoneName string, entry string, key string) (*dnsimple.ZoneRecord, error) { zone, err := client.Zones.GetZone(context.TODO(), accountID, zoneName) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get zone: %s", err) } // Look for existing TXT records. records, err := client.Zones.ListRecords(context.TODO(), accountID, zone.Data.Name, &dnsimple.ZoneRecordListOptions{Type: dnsimple.String("TXT"), Name: dnsimple.String(entry)}) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get resource records: %s", err) } for _, record := range records.Data { if strings.ReplaceAll(record.Content, `"`, ``) == key { return &record, nil } } return nil, nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) updateRecord(client *dnsimple.Client, accountID string, record *dnsimple.ZoneRecord, key string) (*dnsimple.ZoneRecord, error) { attributes := dnsimple.ZoneRecordAttributes{Content: key} updatedRecord, err := client.Zones.UpdateRecord(context.TODO(), accountID, record.ZoneID, record.ID, attributes) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to update record: %s", err) } return updatedRecord.Data, nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) createRecord(client *dnsimple.Client, accountID string, entry *string, zoneName string, key string) (*dnsimple.ZoneRecord, error) { attributes := dnsimple.ZoneRecordAttributes{Name: entry, Type: "TXT", Content: key, TTL: 60} createdRecord, err := client.Zones.CreateRecord(context.TODO(), accountID, zoneName, attributes) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create record: %s", err) } return createdRecord.Data, nil } func (solver *dnsimpleDNSProviderSolver) deleteRecord(client *dnsimple.Client, accountID string, zoneName string, record *dnsimple.ZoneRecord) (*dnsimple.ZoneRecord, error) { createdRecord, err := client.Zones.DeleteRecord(context.TODO(), accountID, zoneName, record.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to delete record: %s", err) } return createdRecord.Data, nil }